
Alex Leko

Thoughts, ideas, turorials, techonologies, life of developer.

Entendendo de uma vez por todas a diferença entre fatia e emenda em matrizes javascript, um guia definitivo

Fala galera!!! Olha eu aqui de novo. O assunto que vamos discutir hoje, não é novo, e nem de longe complexo, mas ainda causa bastante confusão. Eu mesmo no início me confundia bastante, e quero hoje, te ajudar a nunca mais errar a diferença entre slice e splice, creio que a própria entonação da pronuncia já faz com que nossa mente se engane. Traduzindo ao pé da letra, Slice é uma fatia, um pedaço de algo, já Splice é emenda.

How to Build and Run a Docker Container With Jenkins Running Inside the Docker Container

There was the exact word that I used in a Google search recently, and it was challenging to find the correct answer. In the end, I didn’t find it. So, I’m writing my solution to help others with that familiar doubt. First, we must install Jenkins Docker; you can discover how in the official documentation here. But, if you only follow the documentation, you can run Jenkins to build standard pipelines and almost all kinds of projects.

Changing Careers How I Left the Commercial Area and Became a Developer

A little bit of history… In mid-2011, still in the commercial career, working in the sales area in a company called Dinânimca Sistemas (acquired by AlterData a few years later), I can say that I acquired great knowledge, both in the personal department market and how not to do things, but this is another story for another post. 😝 It was a decisive moment in my life; my daughter had just been born, the sales market always had ups and downs, months with high sales commissions and others not so much, and in the past, I had already thought about changing areas, but Could not.